Big Time Targeted Advertising Can Solve Inventory Issues Allow
your advertising to help brand your name while addressing a concern
with actions you need from consumers. We understand the concern of not
wanting this to be seen by your current customers, but our Big Time
targeting can get this to the demographic that might have a vehicle that
could help your situation. People in leases, almost at term on
conventional loans, etc., all might have an interest in getting out
early if they knew they had a buyer. Most of the public does not know
how valuable trades are yet, but soon they will and don’t miss a buying
opportunity without auction fees. The above ad is an example of what we
can do to help our dealers steer into their obstacles making them
opportunities. If interested in this strategy reach out to Bryson or
Terry at (636)-614-4151 to discuss how a small budget can go a long way
while solving a growing concern.